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Add the power of live video capture to your digital collaboration tool kit.

Take digital collaboration to a whole new level with live video capture using the KLIKBoks HUB collaboration system. Connect any HDMI-equipped camera to capture all of the action in high definition. Lecture capture, meeting archives, live streaming to the Internet, are all now possible with KLIK. Start capturing live video and audio with just one click.

Only KLIKBoks HUB lets you record or live-stream your collaboration sessions in full HD, with its HDMI video input.

Get the benefits of audio and video capture, without the cost or complexity.

Capture, share, record and stream video right alongside of all your content in high definition with KLIKBoks HUB's HDMI video capture input. No additional hardware, software or expertise required.


Capture from a video camera, media player or document camera and share to the big screen, record, or even stream live to the Internet with KLIK's video capture capabilities.



Only KLIK video capture can do all of this.

  • Capture full-motion video & audio from any HDMI source, including cameras & media players, in full-HD.

  • Start and stop video capture with just one click on the Daisy control panel.

  • Pass audio even when the video is not displayed on-screen, for remote viewers.

  • Conduct webinars, lectures, press conferences, live events, services, and informational sessions for streaming to the Internet.

  • Connect document cameras for live capture of books, artwork, components, assemblies and other teaching aids.

  • Display, record & stream video alongside other shared content in split-screen or full-screen view.


Record, Share, & Stream

Audio & Video in High Definition

Capturing video is easy with just one KLIK.

Forget complicated software applications and expensive video hardware. With KLIK it's just as easy as clicking on one icon to start your live video capture.


Show your video content alongside other content shares or in full screen view, for the most immersive digital collaboration possible.

Our HDMI input features audio passthrough. Clever engineers.

Marketing materials aren't supposed to contain technical jargon, but we're just too excited about KLIK's audio passthrough feature to ignore it.


With audio passthrough, the HDMI input will always pass audio, even when the video is not visible on the screen. That way, your recording, live stream or local session will always carry the audio signal. Don't forget to hug an engineer today.

KLIK's video input will always pass audio, even when the video is not visible on-screen.
A better way to share your content with larger groups is live streaming. No interruptions, with the benefots of live video, audio and shared content.
Just like that, you could be streaming your sessions live!

Company meeting, guest lecture, important announcement, they're all great reasons for a live-stream. Now it's easier than ever to take your event online with live video, audio and shared digital content.


With KLIK you can send your content to YouTube, Facebook Live, Twitch, and many other of the most popular online streaming services. 

Capture, share, record or stream content captured by a document camera or digital microscope.

Imagine the possibilities for enhanced learning and collaboration when you can capture video from any external source, with KLIK. Capture and share any video content with both in-person and remote attendees on the big screen, on a video call, or live stream.

Connect a document camera to KLIK's HDMI input and share captured content alongside of any other shared content.
Live video capture that's shared alongside other shared content, in split or full-screen view.

With KLIK, captured video can be presented at the same time as other content, on a local screen, in a video conference call, or even on a live stream.


Maximize video to fill the screen, return it to a split screen, or even display other shared content full-screen, while still passing audio from the video feed. No other system offers the power and flexibility of KLIK.

Bring the benefits of KLIK video capture to all of your collaboration sessions.

  • Add live video to your collaboration sessions with no additional hardware, complexity or cost.

  • Start and stop video capture with just one click, from KLIK's on-screen control panel.

  • Include audio capture, even when the video is hidden from view, for a complete capture of the session.

  • Live stream classes, meetings, events and announcements to the Internet instantly, with audio, video and shared content.

  • Connect document cameras, digital microscopes, or any HDMI video source to capture and share any video content.

  • Display full-motion video in full screen, or as part of the split screen view alongside other shared content.

  • What is Multicasting?
    Multicasting is the ability for each user of the KLIKConnect app (Windows or Mac) to share content to multiple KLIK-equipped screens at the same time. Multicast destination screens may be selected from the Multicast icon in the KLIKConnect Player app.
  • What is the purpose of the Multicasting feature?
    There are three key applications for Multicasting to KLIK screens. 1) Active learning environments where users share content on their own screen in breakout groups, then push content to a main screen for sharing with the rest of the group. 2) Sharing content to multiple screens that are usually separated by partition walls, in a meeting or conference room setup, when the partition walls are opened. 3) Sharing content from a main activity room to tertiary and overflow areas where the content requirements may be different from those shown in the main room.
  • Do I need special software or hardware to Multicast?
    No additional software or hardware is required to Multicast. Simply use the KLIKConnect app for Windows or Mac to gain access to the feature, then select the screens you wish to share content to.
  • How many additional screens can I Multicast to?
    While there is no fixed limit to the number of screens that can be included in a Multicast, keep in mind that multicasting does take up device and network resources, which may slow down a user's PC or the refresh rate of a screen.
  • Can I mirror the contents of one screen to other screens with Multicast?
    KLIK Multicasting is designed to offer users the greatest flexibility when sharing content across several screens. To do so, a user selects the specific screens to which they want to share content. Unlike systems where multicasting shares only the contents of one screen, KLIK Multicasting allows for complete customization of what is displayed on every screen.
  • Does Multicast work with Video and Audio, or just presentations?
    KLIK Multicast allows users to share any non-copyright-protected content to multiple screens at the same time, including Video and Audio.
  • We have some legacy KLIK receivers in our system, can we Multicast to them as well?
    KLIK Multicasting is backward compatible with all legacy KLIKStik and KLIKBoks models, but requires users to connect to at least one KLIKBoks HUB in order to share content to legacy devices.
  • Our KLIK devices are connected to the network over Wi-Fi, can we still use the Multicast feature?
    Yes, as long as your KLIK devices are all connected to a network, whether through Ethernet or Wi-Fi, content can be shared among them using the Multicast feature. Multicast cannot be used to share content to devices that use a hotspot connection.
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AirPlay, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google Cast, Android, Meet, Chromecast and Google Play and YouTube are trademarks of Google Inc. Surface and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Miracast is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. KLIK, KLIKBoks, KLIKWizard, KLIKStik, KLIKManager & KLIKConnect are trademarks of KLIKBoks, Inc.

© 2025 KLIKBoks Inc. - All rights reserved

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