Take a quick look around the collaboration space and you'll see a disturbing trend. Airtame, Mersive, Vivi, and more are now charging ongoing fees for using their products. You think you're buying a hardware solution but they're selling you a SaaS product (Software as a Service). Wait, what?
No doubt we've all been impacted by the rise of the "cloud" and the move from software purchase to subscription. Whether it's video editing or spreadsheets, chances are you're no longer using a software package purchased for a fixed fee, instead doling out a subscription fee every month. But for hardware?
Imagine if the printer you bought stopped working after one year if you didn't pay a "maintenance" fee. Doesn't make sense to us either.
When you invest in a KLIK product you own it and it continues to function, with all features enabled, forever. Plus, we include a 5-year warranty, so forever means at least 5 years. Without spending any more money. One-time purchase, enjoyed forever, just like your printer.
So, why the subscription fees from those other guys? SaaS revenue. Music to tech-investors' ears.
Hey, we're all for investors and startups and the whole tech scene. But we built our business on meeting the needs of our customers, not generating recurring revenue for investors. Our business model works just like it does for automakers, we sell our product, then stand by it for an extended period. Maintenance and functionality are built in.
Chances are that you'll buy KLIK because of the features, performance and usability. But if the value proposition is also important to you, you'll be glad you chose us. Thanks, we appreciate it.
Innovation with Integrity - Smarter products for smart people.
About KLIKBoks, Inc.
KLIKBoks, Inc. develops disruptive collaboration technologies that boost productivity, enhance teamwork, and enrich the learning experience. Their KLIK and KLIKBoks product lines offer innovative, easy-to-use solutions for seamless hybrid collaboration in meeting rooms, huddle spaces, classrooms, and event spaces. KLIKBoks, Inc. is headquartered in Seattle, WA (https://www.klikboks.com).