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"Why Live Streaming Classes, Meetings and Events is not only More Effective, it's also Affordable."

Writer's picture: KLIK TeamKLIK Team

The stats are in; 41% of respondents need to completely replace the tech installed during lockdown. Forty-one percent!

Four years on, we can openly admit that video conferencing was woefully inadequate as a proxy for in-person attendance. Whether in Education, Enterprise or Events, the platforms that did so much for small meetings proved to be the wrong solution for organizations needing to reach large groups of people remotely.

This of course came as no surprise to purveyors of Massive Open Online Classes (MOOCs) who had for years perfected their capture and delivery of educational content to hundreds and even thousands of students at a time. But MOOC technology lacked the market footprint of video conferencing, so its hard-learned lessons were of little consequence to those plunged into panic mode by the pandemic.

The principle behind the MOOC is that the system captures live video and audio of the instructor (or presenter, or even multiple presenters) along with screen captures of documents and other media, then streams that content in real time to a platform designed to accommodate hundreds, thousands and even millions of simultaneous viewers. But it was complicated and expensive to deploy, so it was never mainstream.

That's where KLIK comes in. During the pandemic we doubled down on our commitment to be the world's leading collaboration platform and added Live Streaming to the KLIKBoks HUB. A leader in the collaboration space, the HUB was already equipped with an HDMI input to capture live audio and video, and an array of content sharing options to accept all media. The addition of live streaming closed the loop on just how far we could take sharing and collaboration.

May be your application is in education, maybe in business, or maybe you manage communications for a courthouse, council chambers or the local HOA. If your constituents include those who cannot/will not/do not attend in person, live streaming is the right solution.

Simply connect a camera to the KLIK, enter the destination of the stream and start. Really, that's it.

Choose to make your stream open to the public, by invitation only, or completely private. Send links to those who want to watch the stream later. Choose whether you want comments and feedback in real time, or not. And enjoy having all of your streams automatically archived, for recall at any time.

All of the above benefits are FREE! Once you have a KLIK there are no further charges, either from KLIK or the platforms (depending on which you choose).

More effective, greater reach, less disruption, and NO COST! How does video conferencing compare now that you've got live streaming from KLIK?

KLIK Live Streaming - Smarter products for smart people.


About KLIKBoks, Inc.

KLIKBoks, Inc. develops disruptive collaboration technologies that boost productivity, enhance teamwork, and enrich the learning experience. Their KLIK and KLIKBoks product lines offer innovative, easy-to-use solutions for seamless hybrid collaboration in meeting rooms, huddle spaces, classrooms, and event spaces. KLIKBoks, Inc. is headquartered in Seattle, WA (


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